Las Vegas’ Trusted Home Buyer

Easy Ways To Increase Home Value

Selling Your House

If you’re looking for some simple ways to increase your home’s value, you’ve come to the right blog post! That is the topic we’re going to discuss. Home improvements can be tough and expensive. When you’re thinking of getting ready to sell, it can be overwhelming. Even if you’re just making changes for your family to enjoy, increasing home value is paramount. 

A shrewd investor knows that adding home equity when you reach financial goals, even for personal reasons, will pay off in the end. But it’s more likely you’ve decided to sell, and are interested in adding more resale value, so you can reasonably set a higher asking price. In either case, here are some easy but solid DIY home renovations that can save money and add value at the same time!  

First Impressions 

Potential buyers will first see your house from the curb, therefore what’s called curb appeal should be the goal for the first project. This means landscaping, for sure, and window cleaning. You can do it yourself or hire a neighbor kid to help you, it doesn’t have to be expensive. 

Mow the grass, trim the shrubs and trees, even get some hanging plants for your porch or entryway, and potted plants look great strategically placed in the front yard. This is a low-cost improvement that matters to home buyers.

In addition, add a touch of class to the front of your house by choosing a complementary accent color. Then put a fresh coat of paint [in that color] on your garage door, front window frames, and front door, to match. Adding this touch gives your home a whole new look and vibe

If feasible, consider replacing the door itself and adding a nice door knocker or doorknob. This simple addition adds more value to your home than most people realize, and does wonders for your curb appeal.

Money by the Square Foot 

Since many buyers go by pricing the square footage when estimating home value, nothing increases yours like adding more space! How, you ask? Easy. You take an unfinished space like an attic or an unfinished basement and turn it into usable space. 

Adding attic insulation and perhaps carpeting or hardwood floors, fresh paint and some nice light fixtures will turn your attic into a loft bedroom or home office. Do the same in your basement and add square footage, increasing your home’s value by up to 6.6%, according to OpenDoor data.

Energy Efficiency 

Energy efficiency is one of the top home value improvements that you can make, easily and inexpensively. Energy-efficient appliances and things like solar panels are great, but Smart Home technology ties everything together. With real savings visible on your utility bills each month, a Smart Thermostat is the perfect investment. 

This simple addition makes everything inside more energy-efficient, thus more desirable to buyers. You can also increase energy efficiency with things like double-paned windows, enhanced attic insulation, and LED lighting.  

Kitchen Remodels   

An upscale kitchen remodel is going to cost you, but you can do a minor kitchen remodel that’ll still be worth it. Fresh paint always makes a big difference, and new hardware for your cabinetry is a good idea for a quick and painless touch. Make sure your appliances at least match, if you can’t afford to upgrade. Expert opinions vary on how effective these are anyway, comparing the cost to added resale value. 

Try taking down any curtains or blinds and bringing in more natural light in the kitchen and dining room. Bare windows are ‘in’, and look terrific with details like accenting the window frames with different color paint. A full kitchen remodel is said to increase the home value up to 4.8% (OpenDoor). 

Bathroom, Bedroom Remodels 

You can do a minor remodel on your master bedroom with small improvements like painting, improving lighting, and installing hardwood floors. In fact, if you install hardwood floors throughout your house, it can increase resale value by up to 3.4%. 

For bathroom upgrades, try heated towel racks for a touch of luxury. New shower curtains and paint make a wonderful change for the better, as well. Try some decorative ceramic wall tiles in strategic places in your bathroom, and color match everything in this room. 

Candles or artificial flowers make a unique and artistic flair. Don’t forget to organize the laundry room, while you’re at it! Make your spaces within your home cozy and inviting. Tip: use scented candles in the bathroom to remain odor-free! 

Consult with Real Estate Professionals 

If you’re selling your house the traditional way in order to get top dollar for it, you definitely don’t want to skip the real estate agents. In fact, a terrific real estate agent can give you tips on what to renovate and what not to, which will be much more market-specific for your area. They can give you ideas, advice, assistance and can be a huge help in helping you get the most money and real value of your home. 

Alternative Route – Sell Your House Fast – Las Vegas

We just want to take this moment to introduce ourselves, in case you don’t know about us. We buy houses in any condition for cash money you could have within two weeks! We are fair and we don’t charge a dime for our services. Built on integrity and reliability, we want to provide a solution that benefits all concerned parties. So remember to Sell Your House Fast – Las Vegas when you need to sell quickly instead. 

Get a no-obligation, free cash offer today. What have you got to lose? Visit our homepage right here on this website and fill out the short contact form. A cash buyer representative will be in touch with you soon, to make an appointment to see the property in person. We look forward to helping you if you ever need us! 

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